Tag Archives: Valerie Maltoni

How Do You Define Good Journalism?

This is a big question–I realize that.  As, you could dedicate a whole blog to the topic. For the sake of this post, the key point I want to share is:

“The supreme test of good journalism is the measure of its public service.”

These are not my words, as they were actually written over 100 years ago. Walter Williams, the founder of the world’s first journalism school (Missouri’s School of Journalism), actually penned this statement as part of the larger Journalist’s Creed. It was relevant then, and it’s still relevant today.

In a world with media producing jokers (thanks Steve Radick for the tip on that one!), content thieves, and link lovers, it’s sometimes hard to gauge journalism’s credibility and relevance. But let’s not lose hope too quickly–instead, let’s promote good journalism. For example, I say “here, here” to Valerie Maltoni’s call to action–asking all of us to work harder and do better to link to and develop original content (I include myself here). Let’s devote our attention, eyes, and keyboards to those who are doing good journalism.

I know I take a more liberal definition of journalism. In fact, it’s because of the very words “public service” within the Journalist’s Creed that inspired me to study and do social marketing. For journalism, to me, in its truest sense, is a public service.

Thoughts–How do you define good journalism? and what other ways can we, as bloggers and citizens, reward and promote good journalism?

flickr credit: gadgetgirl