Tag Archives: best advertising medium

Cast Your Vote 4 the Best Medium: Television or the Internet?

Now before you go….’This is so 90’s’….hang with me here…

At a seminar the other day with a worldwide advertising agency that will remain anonymous, we were discussing the best, most effective ‘medium’ that exists today. According to our executive speaker, he stated it was – the television.

This was much to the surprise of my younger peers, though less experienced yet with high levels of education, believing it is – the internet. Some of you may stop reading here, and think duh! it’s the internet. We had this debate back in the 90s….move on. But, in 2008, is this deduction still premature? I mean, just look at this year’s Superbowl spots: $2.5 million for 30 seconds…and do we see this trend stopping?

History shows that the use and integration of technology follows the bell curve. When television first started, no one wanted to invest in it, thinking the radio was the best medium out there. Thus brings us to our debate: What is today’s best medium to approach audiences?

I am also not the first to bring up this debate. So, in the comments, cast your vote: television or the internet and why?