Expert versus Asset: Which One are You?

I’m going to warn you. Some people are going to view this article as radical. In recent weeks, there’s been lots of articles and conversations that denounce the expert, calling them carpetbaggers or government gadget gurus or what have you.

In my humble opinion, those that are experts are only referred to as “experts” by other people. This is one reason why they are experts….because they denounce their own “expert-ism.”

These are the people we love. The people that are life-long learners, not in a cliché way, but by role-modeling through action. They aren’t afraid to try new ideas or to spend extra time stretching an already vetoed idea. They experiment.  They are not in a leather chair with shiny Italian shoes, but they are in the jungle of the marketplace navigating knowledge, ideas and society for applications of thought. True experts, also fail at times. But they learn from it, tweak it and make it better.

Last week on Twitter, I had a thought and shared it: “Don’t be an expert. Instead, become an industry-valued asset. The difference? One works for himself and his own knowledge base, the other, wants to be valuable and enjoys collaborative efforts.

Now I don’t know about you, but I would much rather work with someone who wants to be valuable. These are the people that do any task just because it needs to get done, even if it’s not in their official job description. These are the people:

  • that will admit when they don’t know something. But come to your office the next day sharing what they learned from doing some extra research the night before.
  • that know that everyone can teach them something, from the doorman to the man with his name on the door.
  • that first listen and observe in the meeting, rather than interrupt and share their ideas first.
  • that ignore their job description and take initiative whether its making copies, to binding the reports to adding in two-cents on a proposal, to in effect, get the job done.
  • that puts themselves second and the client, task, job, person first. They avoid inter-office politics/chatter to make sure that the client doesn’t suffer.
  • that recognize that they don’t deserve anything, but they earn everything.

People who want to be valuable don’t wait for people to come to them; instead, they roll up their sleeves and say, I’m ready. What do we need? In fact, my family has the saying that if you even have to ask: How can I help? Then you aren’t helping, because helping=doing. Perhaps once we separate those who want to be experts and those who want to be assets, the value of that employee and the work given will shine.

Not to be on a soapbox (okay, maybe a ramp), but perhaps you are an expert. But are you sensitive to how your colleagues and those in your industry react to the word “expert.” Perhaps, we need a new word for you, or perhaps you can angle yourself to be an “industry valued-asset.” Call it a game of the tongue, but words have meaning, as does action. What are your words saying and your actions doing?

In your eyes, what are some ways you differentiate between an expert and an industry-valued asset? What are other ways people can make themselves “valuable” in your eyes?

photo credit: jeannie86

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7 thoughts on “Expert versus Asset: Which One are You?

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    David Svet

    I view industry-valued assets as some level of expert. They offer something I need at a level that I can use and afford. It can even be a skill that I have and simply need additional help at the moment.

    I have no use for self proclaimed expertise. I don’t believe that I’ve ever seen true experts give themselves the title of expert. I certainly have no idea who hires the folks that assumed the label.

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    CV Harquail

    This is a thought provoking post. It made me think about, for example,
    – why we don’t have an established category for this kind of participation role
    – why I dislike calling myself an expert
    – why I am saddened that being an ‘asset’ is so often overlooked or/and undervalued

    Given a choice between participating as an ‘expert’ and participating as an ‘asset’, I’d take asset any day. Not only is it more interactive, it’s also fun.

    Characteristics I’d add to the list?
    — Assets help you identify questions you should be asking, rather than focusing on giving you answers
    — Assets help you understand the information you already have
    — Assets help you see in new ways what’s valuable in what you already know & in what you are looking for

    thanks for the ideas! cvh

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    Alex Post author

    @David I don’t know who hires those self-proclaiming folks either, ;). Thanks for joining the discussion!

    @CV Great comments to stretch the application of the “asset” mindset. I would agree with your additions.

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    I’m reminded of the “de-facto” IT guy of yesteryear. You know, he was the only person in the office who knew how to fix the printer and was thus the recipient of all IT questions. Looks like the modern day equivalent is the social media/web “expert”.

    Funny thing though, due to their hands-on interactions those de-facto guys/gals actually understood more about the need of the organization than any of the “that doesn’t conform to our protocol” IT staffers who sat behind their ivory firewalls and failed to fix anything….which begs the question, who were the REAL experts?….and who are the real experts now?

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    Brian Tercero

    Wow, awesome article Alex!

    @CV “- why I am saddened that being an ‘asset’ is so often overlooked or/and undervalued ”

    If you use social media and if you are an asset to a company engaged in it, the days of being overlooked are over. Social media means being all over the internet, engaging with people, making new connections.

    If the company you work for is foolish enough to overlook you doing a good job of this, the network you have built should provide new opportunities to jump into.

    @Christopher, being one of those “de-facto” IT guys of yesteryear, I completely agree with your comment. If you take the time to research and implement the skills in whatever business you work in, you do become the go to person. People perceive you as the expert, but if you go out of your way to help these people, you become an asset. And in IT work, you become one of the most demanded and appreciated people in the office.

    Social media is no different. It is so new and “cutting edge” that if you even marginally participate in any of it, you are again perceived as an expert.

    I am trying to educate the Realtor’s that I work with to embrace social media, and trying to show them how to integrate into their business strategies. Who cares if people perceive me to being the social media guru of the office. It doesn’t do anyone any good if I don’t share what I have learned to further the cause of the company as a whole.

    Great reading, Ill be checking back in for comments.

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    In my mind, too much selflessness is just as bad as too much selfishness. In my mind, if you ever want to make a statement of yourself (in a good way, like “Former office worker unlocks secret to quantum computing”), you need to do your own research and work on your own projects. If all you ever do is what your told to do and what needs to be done at the office, you’ll never get anything done that _you_ want to do.

    There are some positions (such as “de-facto IT guy”) where you need to be flexible and do a wide variety of jobs, ranging in many skills. In most positions, however, you need to stick with what you’re supposed to do and let someone who’s trained at the other job do it. They were trained to do it, you weren’t. They’ve done it many times before, you weren’t.

    So you have two good choices. If you just want to earn a living, and don’t want to “be someone”, continue doing _your_ job. Do what the boss says. Maybe take some initiative where you think it’ll count, if no one else is supposed to do it.
    If you want to “be someone”, and make a statement of yourself, leave your mark on the world, treat your job as a way to fund your own research. Do your job, and do it well. Take initiative here and there. But do your own research into things _you_ like.

    Sorry, had to get that off my chest.

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    Alex Post author

    @Kop Great additions and some powerful advice in here. I think a healthy balance is good….one of my main points was not to “just” do your own thing, but to show how what you are passionate about, what you know, etc. can add meaning and value to others’ lives. If you plow forward without looking around, you have a great harvest, but with no one to share it with.

    Does that make sense? Great advice though, and I like you are getting to do you accept your surroundings or do you find ways to make them better? for you, for your co-workers, for your customers, etc. Iy you’re not, then you might not be doing that which gives you the most joy and happiness. Knowing that is what will help make you an asset, and help you “be someone.”

    (Just don’t get too caught up in what others think and think twice about what “being someone” means to you.)

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